
My side of the story

Thank you to those who contacted me first. Especially the first four... I believe you know who you are. It was the confirmation I was seeking that this is indeed real. You have given me the courage to speak my side of the story. Please do not betray my trust.

-Foo Defiant!


Unknown said...

We are all waiting to hear your side of the story Foo, be courageous and speak, if someone causes you harm because of what you have said it will not be hard to find who it was, and at the very worst you could become a martyr. I'm not hoping for that, but no matter what happens now you will be remembered.

Speak, Foo, share your wisdom with those deserving.

KGBrAm said...

It's Real.

Pass the data on Foo, the more who know the harder it'll get to quiet it.

Dorkmaster said...

You've got friends, but don't discount Brackin, dude...

He's all about the project. He's not against you, but he's trying to graduate and get published and all that... perhaps you can involve him later? I don't think the friendship would end. I think he just didn't realize what was at stake...