
A call for support.

As you may have inferred, the feed is essentially useless to us now as anything more than a database mirror. The modern-day Defense-corp has seen through our little hack and is in direct control of what we are getting. Alex and I have a plan. We are now preparing to move on the location where Moore and Brackin are being held, but we are still unsure where that is. A number of clues exist and we are working night and day to uncover their veil of secrecy and crack the secret of their location! I ask you all for help.

You ask our goals? They are simple: to take down Defense-corp by any legal and appropriate means, to return the feed to its rightful owners and to make possible once again our agenda of free knowledge in the name of science and truth. This is what we know from Phil:

I don't know how much time I have before they come back! Yesterdaay morning the helicopter woke me up again and got curious, then lucky. Or maybe unlucky, I'm not sure anymore. You see, I found the channel the internal security cams are running on the other day and have been able to shut them down wehn I write my little excape notes like this one as a part of my encryption protocol. point being that I figure if I can turn them off I can also pirate and view them right? So when I hear that heli, thats excactly what I do. I'll be damned if I didn't fiund more than I bargained for! I didn't know what to do so I posted the thing on youtube as "holiday photos" - I don't know if you can do anyting about it but I now am convinced that I"m a prisoner here too. Its just a matter of time before my usefullness is over and they do the same thing to me. God I hope my encryption software is working and they aren't letting me hang myself with this! Tell Alex and Foo what's goign on, they will know what to do I'm sure of it! Alex was my best friend, he won't let me sit here and rot!!! watch?v=n47iYv9qryM

Help us. We believe that if enough agents pledge to science and truth that we can tip the balance of Defense-corp! Why not round up all your friends, have them take the farce of a test that the corporation has put into place, and then use their credentials against them? I'm discovering that the effects of our actions are already causing wildly erratic effects in my hacked database copy! Essentially when the new data is updated on the daily burst, those who have taken a public stand are changing future history and their own lives are being effected! It is fascinating and wonderful! Best case: We change the future! - worst case: A lot of people are improving their own future lives and the database of Defense-corp is taking the hit! We have been unable to find out much about this modern Defense-corp, but we have enough to make our strike as soon as we can pinpoint the location - Alex tells me the tipping point is soon. VERY soon.

_Foo Defiant!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm On your side Foo. Count on me