
An odd transmission

I'm posting this seemingly ordinary transmission - similar to all of the other daily feed intro vids because something caught my eye about it. I don't know if it means anything but I guess we will know tomorrow. Coincidentally it took literally 12 hours to decrypt it (usually it's instantaneous), and it was by chance that I even watched it twice and noticed the oddity, especially considering what happened last time.

_Foo Defiant!


Anonymous said...

So Foo...

What's the "Oddity" in this video? Leviticus looks and sounds the same, he's in the same place as you last showed him...

Are you refering to the missing "time-stamp" at the end of the transmission (It only has a date stamp)?

Can't that simply be that since all transmissions are sent at the same time, they decided not to bother with it, and only send the date?

If it's something else that's caught your eye, feel free to share it =)

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the fact that he no longer says "Safety in Compliance, Safety in Defense Corp"...