
Thank you TIA

I have apparently been promoted!

My work as "interim public correspondent" to you following the change of power recently for the Assistant Director in Deus City has been recognized and I am now a "Special Agent" according to the message I received this morning. I wish to thank all of you who have stood by me in these months of progress and I assure you all that this small promotion will not change me or my goals in any way. We are here to change the future and ensure that we are prepared for the coming hardship ahead by laying the foundation for the utopia that is Deus City.

The future IS coming. and we ARE changing it.

My first assignment as "Special Agent" is to collect pictures of TIA recruitment fliers as you send them to me. The instructions are to place them in "high traffic areas". Feel free to send them to me at your leisure over the next few days weeks and months. Attached is a copy of this flier for your convenience.

I am also still taking submissions for the Defensecorp Website Design from those Agents who feel led to take a more active role than just completing their assigned tasks.

Those of you which are still working for me - privately - I thank you for taking up this challenge and working with me to unravel these mysteries. I am confident that your hard work will result in many great revelations yet to come.

Safety in compliance, safety in Defensecorp!

President, Defensecorp 2007

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